Te Kurawai Matua
Our Strategy
Te Kurawai Matua:
A Strategy of Growth and Transformation 2025-2030
This strategic plan was developed with input from students, staff and stakeholders and approved by Te Kaunihera, our governing body. It outlines our direction as a College, and allows stakeholders and the Church to journey with us.
Tō Tātou Kitenga
Our Vision
Te Kurawai Matua | The Central Reservoir
To live as the central reservoir from which we may pour forth streams of living water, to feed the sheep whom God has given to our care
We exist to serve the mission of the Church, and the communities, region and world that is the Church’s mission field.
References: Jn 21:17b; George Augustus Selwyn’s sermon to Exeter Cathedral 1841
Tō Tātou Kaupapa
Our Mission
Ko Te Oranga Ake o Te Iwi, o Te Ao | The Flourishing of Humanity and of Creation
To build God’s Kingdom through Anglican Priests and lay leaders who are grounded in Aroha (love), makers of Rongo (peace), and bringers of Hari (joy)
We seek to build flourishing communities as expressions of God’s reign and realm, and through discipleship to live the loving, liberating and life-giving way of Jesus Christ.
References: Romans 14:17; Miroslav Volf (2019); Jn 10:10
Ō Tātou Mātāpono
Our Values
Kia tapu koutou | You shall be Holy
To acknowledge, uphold, maintain, and restore te tapu o te Atua, o te tangata, o te whenua
Tapu is from God, the source of all that is Holy. Tapu also is sourced from this whenua and mātauranga as a key dimension of God’s creation.
References: 1 Peter 1: 16b; Lv 21:8; Ex 19:6; Pa Henare Tate (2010)
Ō Tātou Whāinga
Our Strategic Goals
Building Flourishing Relationships
A welcoming, safe and inclusive community, fostering high-trust, respectful, mutually supportive internal and external relationships.
Forming Transformative Leaders
A place where Anglican Priests and lay leaders are formed who will be equipped to transform communities locally, regionally and globally.
Leading Academic Excellence
A place of recognized academic and research excellence, grounded in the richness of our Mihinare and Moana mātauranga.
Nurturing Cutting-Edge Educators
A community of cutting-edge theological educators committed to innovative research, teaching pedagogies and ministry praxis, and modelling a diversity of cultural, liturgical and theological traditions.
Honouring Sustainable Stewardship
Working in partnership with the Church, to ensure sustainable stewardship of College taonga enabling educational needs to be met for current and future generations of students.
Enhancing Strategic Governance
A skills-based governance team drawn from the three tikanga, who are connected with the College community, engage fully with the Kaitiaki, and who have strategic responsibility for the flourishing of the college.
Ō Tātou Tikanga
Our Accountabilities
- Te Pouhere
- General Synod Canons (esp Title E)
- He Whakaputanga / Te Tiriti o Waitangi / Principles of the Treaty
- Kaitiakitanga (Canon II E 3.12.8; Wai 262)
- Dean/Martin Review (2021)
- Relevant Legislation

Bishop George Selywn
May God grant, from that central reservoir we may pour forth streams of living water, to feed the sheep whom God has given to our care:
Let the Young be taught;
Let the Servants of Christ be trained for ministry;
Let the Books of the holy fathers be available for the learning of succeeding generations;
Let the Elders sit in council for the public good;
Let the Daily prayer and weekly communion happen;
Let the Hungry be fed, the naked clothed, the sick healed, and poor have the gospel preached unto them.
Drawn from Bishop George Augustus Selwyn’s sermon to Exeter Cathedral 1841. Selwyn was the first Bishop of these lands and founded the College in 1843.